Open data
Open data is the machine-readable data that anyone (individual, Business, or Public Entity) can use freely without restrictions, as well as their re-use and publishing, taking into account the requirements of legal license according to which this data was published through the National Open Data Portal.
Ministry of Investment has provided an open data platform for all portal visitors to enhance the principles of Data availability and transparency.
All data are available to be downloaded in multiple formats such as : csv.xls etc.
The main principles and general rules for open data
-The provisions of this policy apply to all open data and unprotected public information produced by the ministry- MISA ensures to avail most of its data to the public by default unless there is sufficient justification that non-disclosure of data is of greater public interest.- We provide open data in machine-readable formats (such as CSV, XLS, JSON, XML).- We update the available open data periodically every year.- Data are available to anyone without discrimination or requirement for registration in compliance with the National Data Privacy Regulation.- Open data are available to everyone free of charge
Open Data Rules and Obligations
The Open data policy defines rules and obligations that MISA should comply with throughout the Open data Lifecycle comprising:- Open data planning- Open data Identification- Open data Publishing- Open data Maintenance- Open data Performance Tracking.
MISA has the primary responsibility for ensuring our Open data is being published in compliance with the Open data policy.
Users of open data: The Ministry of Investment has provided an open data platform for all portal visitors to enhance the principles of Data availability and transparency. They also have the right to use these data at their responsibility and it is guaranteed for all users.
Open Data Users’ Responsibility: Open data users shall be responsible for re-using the data available at the Ministry of Investment Portal, provided that re-using of such data must not result in any errors related to the content of data, its source and history.
Terms of Reusing the Data:
– The data must not be used for political purposes, to support illegal or criminal activity, or to be used in racist or discriminatory expressions, or in bringing about negative influence in culture or equality, or in provoking any behavior that is illegal or contrary to the customs and traditions of the Kingdom.
– The source of the reused data must be referred to the Ministry of Investment, to maintain the intellectual property of the data, as well as the credibility and validity of its source.
The Open Data Policy is derived from the National Data Governance Policies issued by the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence. For more information about The main principles and general rules for open data.
In MISA we are utilizing the technology to deliver open data, Hence Business Intelligence solutions are in use to have a data visualization approach for data and analytics .This will help in derive Data driven decisions for the whole organization.
Open Data | Publish | Update |
Activity Analysis of Active License | Open Data portal | Annual |
Services Statistics provided by MISA | Open Data Portal | Annual |
New licenses by months and investment sector Statistics | Open Data portal | Annual |